
  • Improving Bing Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) Recommendations
    with Dr. Manik Varma, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research India
    Improving Bing DSA recommendations using Extreme Classification. Given an Ad landing page without any bid keywords, we were asked to predict potentially monetizable queries which can bring clicks. This resulted in 13.6% gain in click-through rate and 13% reduction in bounce rate.

  • Improving Bing Text Ads Recommendations
    with Dr. Manik Varma, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research India
    Improving Bing Text Ads recommendations using Extreme Classification. Given an Ad landing page with bid keywords, we were asked to predict potentially monetizable queries which can bring clicks. This resulted in 5% gain in click-through rate and 11% reduction in bounce rate.

  • The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring [Link]
    Kaggle Challenge
    This was an image classification problem, where given an image, we were asked to predict the type of endangered fish if there's one. I ranked among top 5% in the final evaluation.

  • Interactive Service Hub (ISH) Performance Improvements
    with Sunil A. Jagadeesh, Principal Software Develpment Manager, Microsoft Dynamics Bangalore
    Performance improvements in ISH including page load, application start-up, memory leaks and render cycles. This work helped bring down the load times by more than 50%.

  • Live Streaming via Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network, Bachelor's Thesis
    with Dr. Diganta Goswami, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
    Design of a hybrid topology for live streaming via peer to peer networking. Repository

  • Business Phone Extractor to enhance Bing Local Search
    with Ashish Shah, Principal Development Lead, BING Local Search, Microsoft Hyderabad
    Creating a phone annotator for en-IN market using set of regex and some other features.

  • Enhancements in Pintos Project
    with Dr. Gautam Barua, Professor and Dr. Gopalan Sajith, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
    Addition of features like priority schedular, userprogram calling procedures, syscall architecture, virtual memory and enhancements in file system. Repository

  • IITG Intranet Search Engine and Add-on for Google Chrome
    Created a search engine for indexing and look-up of content accessible only within the campus. This included academic forms, course materials, faculty web pages, etc.

Fun Projects